- 异位性ADH分泌Ectopic ADH secretion
- 异位性肾素分泌Ectopic renin secretion
- 异位性催乳素分泌Ectopic prolactin secretion
- ADH分泌不当综合征/病理学/治疗Inappropriate ADH Syndrome/pathology/therapy
- 虽然是异位性的钙化现象,但钙化的成份与正常的骨质无异。However, the elemental content of ossified auricular cartilage is similar to that of normal bone specimens.
- 异位ectopia
- 异位性atopy
- 异位性骨ectopic bone formation
- 异位性鼻炎atopic rhinitis
- 异位乳汁分泌[医] aberratio lactis
- 异位激素分泌ectopic hormone secretion
- 异位性博动Ectopic beats
- 异位性激素分泌Ectopic hormone secretion
- 异位房性eetopie atrial
- 异位性疾病atopic disease
- 越界性肾异位crossed renal ectopia
- 房性异位心律Ectopic atrial rhythm
- 室性异位搏动VEA; VEB; VEE; ventricular ectopic activity; ventricular ectopic beats; ventricular ectopic event
- 室性异位激动VEA; ventricular ectopic activity
- 异位月经|代偿性月经vicarious menstruation