- 我在圣母和里奇蒙那里,每天都看见他们突然咽气,在解剖室里被开膛破肚。I see them pop off every day in the Mater and Richmond and cut up into tripes in the dissecting room
- 即使想方设法打死一只山羊或一只鸟,我也无法把它们开膛破肚,剥皮切块,而只好像野兽一样,用牙齿去咬,用爪子去撕了。That if I had kill'd a goat, or a fowl, by any contrivance, I had no way to flea' or open them, or part the flesh from the skin, and the bowels, or to cut it up; but must gnaw it with my teeth, and pull it with my claws like a beast.
- 破肚belly burn
- 破to break
- 肚tripe
- 破解analyse and explain
- 肚兜bellyband
- 破纪录record-breaking
- 开膛cut open the chest
- 啤酒肚beer belly
- 把鸡去毛开膛clean a chicken
- 磨破frazzle
- 杀猪开膛slit a pig's throat and cut open its chest
- 牛肚tripe
- 破洞tear
- 开膛炉open-hearth furnace
- 破的broken
- 开膛刀breast opening knife
- 羊肚菌hickory chick; morel
- 破击attack and destroy; wreck; sabotage