- 建立到ISP的路由器连接Set Up Router Connection to ISP
- 建立到ISP的调制解调器连接Set Up Connection to Your ISP Set Up Modem Connection to ISP
- 如果您使用调制解调器连接到ISP,拨号网络连接将会启动并建立连接。If you connect to your ISP with a modem, the Dial-Up Networking connection will start and establish the connection.
- 在应用程序中,这个名称用于替代任何特定于数据库的信息,以建立到数据库的连接。This name is used in applications in place of any database-specific information in order to establish a connection to the database.
- 多数商品化的路由器都有某种内建的包过滤功能。Most commercial routers have some kind of built-in packet filtering capability.
- 网页防护将发送所有从浏览器到ISP代理服务器的连接。Web Shield will now forward all connections from the browser to your ISP proxy server.
- 输入路由器连接信息。Enter your router connection information.
- 利用交叉点开关引擎就能设计真正的几千兆位的路由器。The use of a crosspoint switching engine makes the design a true multigigabit router.
- 在下面框中输入您的ISP的名称。Type the name of your ISP in the following box.
- 小心放置您的路由器或访问点Position your router or access point carefully
- 该信息取决于您的ISP的要求。This information is dependent upon the requirements of your ISP.
- 未能建立到FTP服务器的连接。A connection to the FTP server could not be established.
- 请输入要添加的路由器的地址。Enter the address for the router to be added.
- 在下面的文本框中输入ISP的名称。Type the name of the ISP in the following text box.
- 如果他把精力更多地投入到工作中,他就会得到更好的结果。If he put more effort into his work, he'd see better results.
- 点对点的路由器交换验证的讯息。Peer routers exchange authentication messages.
- 一种基于ISP的音乐存储和回放电路的研究Research of Music Storage and Play with the Technology of ISP
- "他终当然会拿到更高的薪水。" "那要看他什么时候有这个资格。""Of course he will get a higher salary eventually." "If or when he qualifies."
- 问:我可以设定我的路由器/防火墙,哪些端口应当打开?Q: I can configure my router/firewall, any ports I should forward/open?
- 即使你家里的主机有一个来自ISP的固定IP,遵守这个原则也是一个好主意。Even if your home host has a fixed IP from your ISP, it is still a good idea to follow this rule.