- 广义Nash均衡博弈generalized Nash game
- 广义Nash均衡generalized Nash equilibrium
- Nash均衡博弈Nash equilibrium
- 寡头垄断行业防降价均衡博弈分析A game theory analysis of undercut-proof equilibria in the oligopoly industry
- Nash均衡、变分不等式和广义均衡问题的关系Relations among Nash equilibrium, variational inequalities and generalized equilibrium problem
- Nash均衡Nash equilibrium
- Nash均衡点Nash equilibrium point
- 信息集广义博弈general imformafion-set games
- 期望值Nash均衡expected Nash equilibrium
- 广义相对论的天文学验证astronomical tests of general relativity
- 死博弈dead game
- 结构博弈A Game Theory of Social Structure
- 广义的赔偿reparation lato sensu
- 广义M集general M set
- 博弈力game force
- 我们必须努力保持供求均衡。We must try to maintain the equilibrium of supply and demand.
- 广义t模generalized -t-norms
- 财富的不均衡分配the unequal distribution of wealth
- 直方图均衡化histogram equalization
- 不均等处于不均衡的状态The condition of being unequal.