- 广义斜Hermite矩阵generalized oblique Hermite matrix
- 关于斜Hermite矩阵乘积之迹的不等式On the Inequalities for Trace of Product of Skew-Hermitian Matrices
- 广义斜Hemfite矩阵generalized Hermite matrix
- 广义斜导子generalized skew derivation
- 广义Hermite矩阵generalized (oblique) Hermite matrix
- 利用有限域上Hermite矩阵的标准型构造卡氏认证码Using normal form of Hermite matrices over finite fields to construct cartesian authentication codes
- Hermite矩阵Hermite matrix
- 偏斜deflexion
- 背斜anticline
- 反Hermite矩阵anti-Hermite matrix
- 单斜monoclinic
- 他写的字斜向左方。His handwriting slants to the left.
- 复Hermite矩阵complex Hermite matrix
- 树枝斜向一旁。The branch is growing outwards.
- 测斜仪gradient meter
- 本文用类似于实对称矩阵的研究方法,得到了Hermite矩阵的4个等价条件。Four necessary and sufficient conditions for Hermitian matrix were obtained by using similar real symmetry matrix.
- 肩斜shoulder slope
- 矩阵的广义迹Generalized Trace of a Matrix
- 那子弹击中墙壁,因而偏斜。The bullet struck a wall and was deflected from its course.
- 阳光斜落在地板上。The sunlight fell aslant the floor.