- 并行GEAParallel GEA
- 胃电活动(GEA)gastric electrical activities(GEA)
- GEA对老年冠心病患者非心脏手术围术期心血管保护The Effect of GEA on Protection of Cardiac Vessels during Perioperative Period in Patients with CHD to Perform Upper Abdominal Operation
- 并行表示parallel representation
- 并行感染parallel infection
- 基伊埃(芜湖)川崎机械制冷设备有限公司是由德国GEA集团拥有95%股份,日本川崎重工业株式会社拥有5%股份的中外合资企业。GEA (Wuhu) KHI Machinery Cooling Co., Ltd is a Sino-Foreign JV in which the German GEA Group holds a majority of 95%25 and Kawasaki Heavy Industries of Japan holds 5%25.
- 并行进位parallel carry
- 并行工序concurrent engineering
- 最大并行度maximum parallelism degree
- 暂时并行性temporal parallelisom
- 并行趋向的parallelotropic
- 伪并行pseudo-parallel
- 半并行semi-parallel
- 全并行flash
- 列并行column parallel
- 超并行hyper parallel processing
- 并行FFTparallel FFT
- 并行GISparallel GIS
- AND并行AND paralleling
- 空间并行性spatial parallelism