- 并且指定下列CL命令And you specify the following CL command
- 使用Type属性指定下列控件类型之一。Use the Type attribute to specify one of the following control types.
- 命令文件一定不能包含CL命令。A command file must not contain the CL command.
- 使用“新建发布向导”可以指定下列内容Use the New Publication Wizard to specify the following
- 例如,在远程设备上运行下面的命令将会启动QAnywhere代理,并且指定一个主服务器和一个备用服务器For example, running the following command on the remote device will start the QAnywhere Agent with one primary server and one alternate server
- 指定appoint
- 命令(an) order or command
- 若要删除特定性能指标的警告,请指定下列值之一To drop the warning for a specific performance metric, specify one of the following values
- 指定的appointed
- 命令提示符command prompt
- 如果方法返回值是数组,并且指定了returnvalue,则此参数将设置为NULL。When the method return value is an array, if returnvalue is specified, it is set to NULL.
- 命令行command lines
- 当指定下列参数时,您不能使用New-ReceiveConnector cmdlet为Bindings参数指定值You can't specify a value for the Bindings parameter with the New-ReceiveConnector cmdlet when the following parameters are specified
- 命令的mandatory
- 并且指定了一个非零的超时间隔,And specify a zero time-out interval
- 请查收所开出的下列汇票:Enclosed please find draft draw as follow:
- 这个活动获取上面域分解过程中发现的子系统,并且指定子系统之间的相互依赖和流程。This activity takes the subsystems found above during domain decomposition and specifies the interdependencies and flow between the subsystems.
- 他被命令交出他的枪。He was ordered to surrender his gun.
- 执行命令executive command
- 在一个政党中的控制选票并且指定任命名额的领导a leader in a political party who controls votes and dictates appointments