- 直线折旧法在资产使用年限内将等额折旧费用分配到每一年度。The straight-line method allocates an equal portion of depreciation expense to each period of the asset's useful life.
- 法law
- 无法unable
- 当使用直线折旧法时,折旧率可以简单地用1除以资产年限得到。When straight-line depreciation is in use, the depreciation rate is simply "1" divided by the "life" (in years) of the assets.
- 用法usage
- 说法statement
- 按预计使用年限总折旧法Depreciation-sum of expected life method
- 加大财政对企业自主创新的投入,包括实行特殊的财务政策,如采取快速折旧法等。Increase financial support for self-directed innovation, including carrying out special financial policies, such as speedy depreciation method.
- 保险折旧法depreciation-insurance method
- 按保险金额折旧法depreciation-insusance method
- 折旧法depreciation method
- 产量折旧法depreciation-production method
- 按综合平均折旧年限计算折旧法composite life depreciation method
- 直线折旧法straightening
- 退役折旧法[经] depreciation-retirement method; retirement method of depreciation
- 直接折旧法straight-line depreciation method
- 重置成本折旧法replacement method of depreciation
- 重置折旧法depreciation-replacement method
- 年金折旧法depreciation-annuity method
- 重估折旧法revaluation depreciation method