- 幂零Lie环Nilpotent Lie ring
- 关于幂零Lie环的中心列The central series of a nilpotent Lie ring
- 二步幂零Lie群上sub-Laplace算子的谱On Spectrum of the sub Laplacian on Two Step Nilpotent Lie Group
- Lie环Lie ring
- 素环上微商变换Lie环之开拓The Extension of Lie Ring of all the Derivations on a Prime Ring
- Kac-Moody Lie环的Cartan子环The Cartan Subring of Kac-Moody Lie Ring
- T-幂零T-Nilpotent
- 幂零积nilpotent product
- 幂零集nilpotent set
- 幂零类nilpotent class
- 幂零群nilpotent group
- 幂零阵nilpotent matrix
- p-幂零p-nilpotent
- 拟幂零quasinilpotent
- 关于极小非幂零群的正规Sylow子群的换位子群的生成元集On a Set of Generate Elements of the Commuatator Subgroup of the Normal Sylow Subgroup of a Minimal Non-nilpotent Group
- 幂零半群nilpotent semigroup
- 幂零变换nilpotent transformation
- 幂零长度nilpotent length
- 幂零乘积nilpotent product
- 幂零代数nilpotent algebra