- 工作分解WBSwork breakdown WBS
- WBS工作分解work breakdown structure
- WBS(工作分解结构)WBS(work break structure)
- 合同工作分解?CWBS Contract Work Breakdown Structure?
- 2008年北京奥运会大型活动项目工作分解结构研究及其软件实现The research and its software realization of work breakdown structure for 2008 Beijing Olympic Games'large event project
- 创建工作分解结构(WBS)代码-Project-Microsoft Office OnlineCreate work breakdown structure (WBS) codes - Project - Microsoft Office Online
- WBS也就是为了完成项目所要采取的行动及里程碑的清单。WBS is the list of all activities and milestones to be carried out to complete the project.
- 将此信息复制到下列空格内,作为工作或重新设置时的参考备份。Copy this information into the space provided below as a backup reference for service or reconfiguration.
- 视图中,单击要将WBS代码更改为字符的任务的“WBS”域。View, click the WBS field of the task whose WBS code you want to change to characters.
- 子孔径分解Sub-aperture decomposition
- 练习:建立工作分解结构图、建立网状图、确定里程碑、定义项目风险Exercise: create Work Breakdown Structure, Network Chart, define milestone and project risk
- 亚像元分解Sub-pixel decompound
- 吉米被解雇了。不过他逢凶化吉,很快便找到了更理想的工作。Jimmy was laid off. But the fell on his feet and found a better job very soon.
- 子带分解技术Subband decomposition technique
- 工作分解结构(WBS)work breakdown structure (WBS)
- 穿刺工作invasive procedure
- 接工作take over a job
- 作业分解树-风险分解树(WBS-RBS)WBS-RBS (Work Breakdown Structure-Risk Breakdown Stucture)
- 先撇开成本不不谈,就是时间我们还得从其他工作中挤出来。Leaving the matter of cost aside, we still have to find time off from other work.