- 嵌入Internetembedded internet
- 嵌入式Internetembedded Internet
- 嵌入式Internet技术embedded intemet technology
- 他将木栓嵌入洞中。He inserted the wooden peg into the hole.
- 路由器可连接两个或更我IP(即Internet Protocol)网络。A router connects two or more IP (that's the Internet Protocol) networks.
- 以嵌入物装饰To furnish with an inset.
- 把锁嵌入门板to notch a lock into the door
- 子弹嵌入墙壁中。The bullet was impacted in the wall.
- 嵌入冰川内部的Located or occurring within a glacier.
- 嵌入衬套inlay Busher
- 构造嵌入tectonic telescoping
- 嵌入水印Embed Watermark
- 嵌入离合器jaw clucth
- 书嵌入book embedding
- 粗嵌入coarse embedding
- 去嵌入de-embed calculation
- 嵌入维embedding dimension
- 嵌入CPUembed CPU
- DLL嵌入embedded DIL
- 嵌入SQLembedded SQL