- 山慈菇内酯Atulipalin; tulipalin A; α-methylene-γ-lactone
- 丽江山慈菇的一种新病害A new disease on Iphigenia indica
- 丽江山慈菇种子繁殖技术初报Primary Research about the Seeds Production of Iphigenia indica Knuth
- 山道内酯Asantanolide A
- 内internal
- 丽江山慈菇种子萌发特性的研究Study on Characteristics of Seed Germination of Iphigenia indica
- 银杏内酯Aginkalide A
- [医] 车前叶山慈菇,狗牙百合Erythronium dens-canis L.
- 竹柏内酯Anagilactone A(抗肿瘤作用)
- 内的inner
- 云南丽江山慈菇遗传多样性的DALP分析DALP Analysis on Genetic Diversity of Iphigenia indica in Yunnan
- 阿魏内酯Afarnesiferol A
- [医] 慈菇Sagittaria sagittifolia L.
- 帕地马酯APadimate A
- 不同化学试剂对丽江山慈菇种子发芽力影响Studies on the Effect of Soaking with Several Chemicals on the Germination of Seed of Iphigenia indica
- 内酯lactone
- [医] 慈菇属Sagittaria L.
- 慈菇肥料运筹试验The Experiment in the Fertilization for Arrowhead Growth
- 山慈菇Iphigenia indica
- 川芎内酯AChuanxiong-pathalide A