- 尿T-H蛋白Urinary Tamm-Horsfall Protein
- H蛋白基因gene of H protein
- H蛋白H protein
- T-H蛋白Tamm-Horsfall protein
- 为了进一步研究麻疹病毒第二受体SLAM(或mSLAM)在麻疹病毒侵染宿主过程中的作用,我们着重分析了麻疹病毒H蛋白和SLAM的相互作用。Based on our previous results, we study on the interaction of H and SLAM and further analysis the functional domain on both molecules.
- 氨尿ammoniuria
- 马麻痹性肌红素尿azoturia
- 氨性尿ammoniacal urine
- 把蛋白打到它们耸起。Beat the egg whites until they peak.
- 胺尿aminuria
- 阈值HThreshold H
- B蛋白B protein
- 白尿albiduria
- M蛋白M protein
- [生化]尿激酶urokinase
- HU蛋白HU protein
- 阿拉伯糖尿arabinosuria
- p-蛋白p-protein
- 阿米巴尿ameburia