- 小肠Peutz-Jeghers息肉Peutz-Jeghers polyps of small bowel
- Peutz-Jeghers综合征Peutz-Jeghers' syndrome
- 鼻息肉polyp
- [猪等的]小肠chitterlings
- 癌性息肉carcinopolypus
- 回肠从空肠延至盲肠之间的小肠的最后一部份The terminal portion of the small intestine extending from the jejunum to the cecum.
- 鼻息肉病nasal polyposis
- 小肠病small intestine disease
- 膀胱息肉polyp of bladder
- 胃小肠的Gastrointestinal
- 鼻息肉钳nasal polypus forceps
- 系膜小肠[医] tenue mesenteriale intestinum
- 鼻窦息肉polyp of sinus
- 小肠Crohn病Crohn's disease of small intestine
- 鼻息肉勒除器sal snare
- 探条式小肠镜sonde-type enteroscope
- 鼻息肉圈套器nasal polyp snare
- 通过整个小肠small bowel follow-through; SMBFT
- 息肉刀[医] polypotome
- 推进式小肠镜push-type small-bowel endoscope