- 学生student
- 学生Agentstudent agent
- 学生Agent、教师Agent(Applets)与教师助手Agent(Servlets)之间通过远程方法调用(RMI)进行联系,传递参数。I use servlets implementing teacher assistant agent. Applets and servlets may connect by RJVfl.
- 学生的pupillary
- 三好学生merit student; three good student (good in study, attitude and health)
- 大二学生sophister
- 女学生schoolgirl
- 优秀学生outstanding student
- 大三学生junior
- 学院学生colleger
- 本文结合agent与多agent技术,提出以BDI模型为基础的多agent虚拟小组学习模型,在小组学习模型中包括四种智能agent:学生agent、教师agent、分组agent,虚拟学习伙伴agent;In this paper,agent and multi-agents have been used in the group learning system. A multi-agent virtual group learning model based on the BDI model is proposed. There are four kinds of intelligent agents in this model, such as learner agent,instructor agent,grouping agent,and virtual learning partner agent.
- 大四学生senior
- 大一学生freshman
- 学生公寓noncollegiate hostel
- 学生宿舍student hostel
- 大学二年级学生sophomore
- 本科学生undergraduate
- 大学一年级学生freshman
- 他是个有恒心的学生。He is a persevering student.
- 学生社团society