- 如何更新ASME授权证书How to Renew ASME Authoriey Certifieation
- 如何更新我的个人资料?How can I update my profile?
- 证书certificate
- 利用授权证书实现分布式的访问控制Distributed Access Control Using Authorization Certificates
- 法官如何在已知信息基础上寻求更新信息?How do judges seek newer information through various means?
- 毕业证书diploma
- 当发布信息的授权证书在某个操作入口站点上建立的时候,与之相关联的缺省语言代码也同时被建立。This default language code is established at the time that publishing credentials are established with an individual Operator Site.
- 工程统计如何更好地为施工服务On improving engineering statistic in construction service
- 树种更新wood species renewal
- 人员更新.turnover n.
- 试析如何更好发挥药品集中招标采购的实效性Discussion about actual effect display of drug concentrated invite tenders procurement
- 城下更新Urban renewal
- 癫痫与癔症的对话:如何更有效地区别"我"与"他"Dialogue between Epilepsy and Hysteria: Efficacious Distinction between "I" and "He"
- 轮换更新机制alternation mechanism
- 试论我党如何更好地代表中国先进社会生产力发展要求On How the CCP Can Further Represent the Requirement of the Development of Advanced Social Productive Forces
- 关于这个博客,我们说,我们将更新你对公司的结果,在夏季结束。On this blog we said we would update you on the company results at the end of the summer.
- 再生能源|可更新能源renewable sources
- 显示或更新站点名Display or update site name
- 可更新能源;可再生能源renewable sources of energy
- 最简单的方法是更新The simplest approach is to update the