- 天龙BY型变星BY Draconis variable
- BY型深槽系列带式输送机BY Series deep trough belt conveyors
- 金牛座RV型变星RV Tauri variable stars
- 金牛座T型变星T Tauri variable stars
- 船帆座ai型变星AI Velorum type variable star
- 天龙屯堡Tianlong Tunpu
- 天琴座rr型变星RR Lyrae variable stars
- 猎户座fu型变星FU Orionis variable
- 公司主要客户包括:TCL,德赛,创维,新科,夏新,万利达,天龙,建伍,松下,NAD等国内外知名企业。Esteemed customers, such as TCL, Desay, Lenovo, Shinco, Amoi, Manata, Denon,Kenwood,Panosonic, NAD are domestic and international famous corporation.
- 户型house type
- 中位星等 - 变星median magnitude
- 笔型pen type
- 造父变星半径的变化Variations in the Radius of Cepheid Variables
- 整型integer
- 美国变星观测者协会,American Association of Variable Star Observers
- 运动型motile
- 造父变星一类具有极规律的光波震动期的内部可变的星Any of a class of intrinsically variable stars with exceptionally regular periods of light pulsation.
- 表型phenotype
- 欢迎访问美国变星协会新星搜索组。Welcome to the American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO) Nova Search program.
- 激变变星中吸积盘的边界层问题The Problem of the Boundary Layer of Accretion Disks in Cataclysmic Variables