- 多阶段任务系统(PMS)Phased-Mission System (PMS)
- 多阶段任务系统的双值决策图(PMS-BDD)binary decision diagram for phased-mission systems (PMS-BDD)
- 多阶段任务系统phased mission system
- 一种基于BDD的多阶段任务系统可靠度新算法New BDD-based algorithm for reliability analysis of phased-mission systems
- 多阶段任务Multi-phased mission
- 那么多tanto
- 阶段任务系统(PMS)Phased mission systems (PMS)
- 越来越多more and more
- 免疫系统immunologic system
- 越来越多的increasing
- 不多的few
- 泌尿系统urinary system
- 阶段任务Phased-tasks
- 报警系统panalarm
- 越多越好the more, the better
- 运输系统belt line
- 抱歉,给你带来那麽多的麻烦。I'm sorry I have given you so much trouble.
- 安全系统security system
- 第一阶段任务Tasks at the first stage
- 帮助系统help system