- 多视极化SARMultilook polarimetric SAR
- 多视极化白化滤波器(MPWF)Multilook Polarimetric Whitening Filter (MPWF)
- 更多more
- 多multi-
- 视极化率apparent chargeability
- 全极化SAR图像fully polarimetric SAR image
- 最多maximum
- 双波段全极化SAR图像非监督分类方法及实验研究Unsupervised Classification Methods and Experimental Research of Dual-frequency Fully Polarimetric SAR Images
- 多个multi-
- 更多的added
- 基于目标分解理论的全极化SAR图像神经网络分类方法Neural Networks Classification of Quad-polarization SAR Data Based on Target Decomposition ABSTRACT
- 太多tanto
- 全极化SARfull-polarization SAR
- 好多(adj) many
- 多年many years
- 极化SAR定标PolSAR calibration
- 多云cloudy
- 高分辨极化SARhigh-resolution polarimetric SAR
- 那么多tanto
- 极化polarization