- 外源DNA插入方向orientation of foreign DNA fragments
- 此外,Bt-BS2的杀蚊毒力高于Bt-BS1,Bt-BS1和Bt-BS2对蚊幼虫毒力的不同可能是由于重组质粒上外源片段的插入方向影响二元毒素基因在受体菌中的表达水平的缘故。Meanwhile, it was noticed that toxicity of Bt-BS2 against susceptible mosquito larvae was higherthan that ofBt-BSI and this might be explained by the inserted direction of the binary toxin gene perhaps influencing its expression in the recipient strain.
- 图1.3列出了引出一段外源DNA进入克隆载体的大概步骤。An outline of the procedure for introducing a piece of foreign DNA into a cloning vector is shown in Figure 1. 3.
- 插入突变是一种通过外源DNA整合的方式来获得突变体,并克隆得到对应突变基因的方法。Insertional mutagenesis is a method for identifying genes by using the integration of DNA as the mutagen, thereby facilitating the cloning of the mutated gene.
- 外源DNA导入创造抗枯萎病西瓜种质资源Resistance to Wilt Disease Watermelon Germplasm Resources by Exogenous DNA Introduction
- T-DNA插入技术T-DNA
- T-DNA插入突变T-DNA i nsertional mutagenesis
- T-DNA插入变异T-DNA insertional mutagenesis
- 外源DNA导入培育水稻抗白叶枯病种质材料的研究Rice germplasm with bacterial blight resistance obtained by introducing foreign total DNA
- 稻瘟病菌T-DNA插入突变研究T-DNA Insertional Mutagenesis of Magnaporthe Grisea
- 外源Naddition of nitrogen
- 转基因抗真菌病害棉花及T-DNA插入突变体的培育Development of Transgenic Cotton Resistant to Fungal Diseases and of Mutants by T-DNA Insertional Mutagenesis
- 外源糖Sugar
- 外源铅added lead
- 外源砷applied inorganic As
- 外源酶exogenous enzyme
- 地外源extraterrestrial source
- 外源DNAforeign DNA
- 外源ABAExogenous ABA
- 外源IAAexogenous IAA