- 外斜视V征的手术治疗Surgical treatment of V-style exotropia
- 外斜视A征的临床特征和手术治疗Clinical features and surgical treatment of A-pattern exotropia
- V征外斜视V- pattern deviation
- 西方国家医疗保健机构,就是在心脏病的手术治疗上付出了巨大的开支。It is on the surgical treatment of the disease that Western health-care system are spending huge sums of money.
- 外斜V征V-pattern exotropia
- 间歇性外斜视手术欠矫与过矫对立体视锐度影响的临床观察A clinical observation on influence of stereopsis in intermittent exotropia with surgical undercorrection and overcorrection
- 小切口非超声乳化白内障摘除人工晶体植入的手术治疗体会Real appreciation of operation in treating cataract with the non- phacoemulsification scleral tunnel small incision combined with IOL implantation
- 足冻伤的手术治疗Operative Treatment of Frostbite Feet
- 单心室的手术治疗Surgery for Single Cardiac Ventricle
- 手部痛风的手术治疗Operative treatment of gout in the hand
- 符合DCL指征的严重胰腺损伤的患者,应根据不同损伤胰腺部位和程度,积极选用适宜的方式,分次手术治疗。For severe pancreatic trauma cases in accordance with DCO indications,active and reasonable operation should be done according to location and degree of pancreas injury.
- 颌骨囊肿的手术治疗Surgical Management of Cysts of the Jaws
- 骶骨骨折的手术治疗Surgical therapy for sacral fracture
- 垂直性斜视的手术治疗The operation treatment of vertical strabismus
- 肝包虫囊肿的手术治疗Operation of hydatid cyst of liver
- 肘管综合征的手术治疗Operation treatment of cubit tunnel syndrome
- 面中部骨折的手术治疗The surgical treatment of fractures of midfacial region
- 鼻源性头痛的手术治疗Operative Treatment of Rhinogenous Headache
- 髁状突骨折的手术治疗Operative treatment of fracture of malleolus
- 肩胛盂骨折的手术治疗Operative treatment of the glenoid cavity fractures