- 外宾: 下一站是E站吗?Is E the next station?
- 我的下一站是婚礼教堂,在那里有人期待我会出大量的钱来请很多人大吃大喝。My next stop was the wedding hall, where I was expected to pay an enormous sum of money to feed and intoxicate many people.
- 下一next
- 站station
- 辽宁工学院站到了,下一站是变压器厂。辽宁工学院外语系祝您旅途愉快!This stop is Laoning Institute of Technology. The next stop is Transformer Factory. The English Department of LTI wish you a good trip.
- 中国是最后一站,其他几站是巴林,印度尼西亚,澳大利亚,菲律宾和中国台北。It's the last stop. Other hosts are Bahrain,Indonesia,Australia,the Philippines and Chinese Taibei.
- 查找下一个find next
- 站内instation
- 问一下,我买的口琴是E调的!请高手指导一下怎么学!和C调的学习有什么区别呢???How to play my harmonica with the key of E? And what is the difference from the harmonica with the key of C?
- 这一站是最有秩序的一站,在很短的时间内,我们分发出数百份食物和紧急用品。Our third stop was probably the most organized. There our group was able to hand out hundreds of food items and other emergency supplies in a short period of time.
- 在下一站将加挂两节车厢。Two more carriages will be joined on at the next station.
- 这一站是中心公园吗?Is this the stop for the Central Park?
- 垃圾收集站是用作暂时贮存街道和住户废物,以待收集处理。These RCPs are used for temporarily storage of street waste and household waste pending collection.
- 6杯威士忌下肚,哈里两腿站不住了。特德说:“你醉了,我还是为你叫一辆出租车吧。”After six whiskies Harry was finding it difficult to stay on his feet. "You're as pissed as a newt, " Ted said, "I'd better get you to a taxi."
- 个案简易处理系统全面推行后,本处可为大部分申请提供一站式服务。One-stop service will be possible for most types of applications upon full implementation of APPLIES.
- 下一列到站的火车来自南京。The next train to arrive is from Nanjing.
- 她的第一站是贝鲁特,那里的领导人对她的行程没有促成以巴停战而感到失望。Her first stop was Beirut where leaders were disappointed / her trip did not bring about an Israeli-Hezbollah ceasefire.
- 查尔斯王子将是英国的下一位国王。Prince Charles will be the next king of England.
- 这一站就是清华的西门,它的校园可大了。Look! This is the west gate of the Tsinghua station. Tsinghua has a big campus.
- 下一列到站的火车是从澳门开来的。The next train to arrive was from Macao.