- 复方LEV滴鼻液Compound LEV nasal drops
- 复方鱼肝油滴鼻液compound morrhuate nasal drops
- 复方氯霉素滴鼻液Compound Choramphenieol Nasal Drop
- 滴a drop
- 鼻nose
- 乳液latex
- 复方薄荷脑滴鼻液Compound Menthol Nasal Drops
- 鼻塞have a stuffy nose
- 滴定titration
- 鼻屎nose excrement
- 褶合光谱法测定氢化可的松麻黄碱滴鼻液中氢化可的松和盐酸麻黄碱的含量Determination of hydrocortisone and ephedrine hydrochloride in hydrocortisone ephedrine nasal drops by convoluted curve method
- 萘甲唑啉,萘唑啉,萘芙唑啉,鼻眼净,滴鼻净,拿发唑啉Vasocon
- 复方托吡卡胺滴眼液compound tropicamide eye drops
- 鼻液溢流aporrhinosis
- 鼻液[医] blenna narium
- 复方益康唑滴耳液的制备及质量控制Preparation of Compound Econazole Ear-drops
- 滴鼻collunarium
- 点鼻液nose drops
- 复方环丙沙星滴耳液的制备和临床应用Preparation and Clinical Application of Ciprofloxacin Ear Drops
- 滴鼻法nasal drip