- 复合式SBF-AS工艺combined SBF -AS process
- 从复合式听写现状看学生英语听力能力的欠缺及对策English Compound Dictation-An Effective Way to Measure and Improve Students'Listening Competence
- 美式英语American English
- 巴洛克式barpque
- 组合式combined type
- 生物复合工艺bio - combined process
- 启发式heuristic
- 针式打印机stylus printer
- 电泳复合精铸制壳工艺technology of investing shell mold by electrophoresis
- 招式movements in martial arts
- 水化膨胀复合堵漏工艺技术Plugging Technology Using Hydrating and Swelling Lost Circulation Materials
- 流式细胞仪flow cytometry
- 板式换热器plate exchanger
- 复合膜胶粘剂新工艺开发研究Development of Polyurethane Adhesive for Laminated Film
- 整体式integral type
- 柏拉图式爱情Platonic love
- 纸塑复合包装复合工艺的优化Optimization of Paper-Base Composite Packing Process
- 落地式floor(-)type
- 站式standing posture
- 复合氨基酸锌的制备工艺研究Preparation of zinc-amino acid chelate compound