- 基于JAX-RPC构建Web服务Creating a Web Service Based on JAX-RPC
- 鉴于Web服务技术的开放性及开放源代码已经成为一种软件开发的趋势,本文从开放源代码项目的角度来研究基于JAX-RPC的Web服务应用。This thesis made a research to Web Services application based on JAX-RPC at the point of Open Source Code Project, because of opening standard in Web Services and a software trend to open source code.
- 服务service
- 用SAAJ和JAX-RPC构建SOAP响应信封Build a SOAP response envelope with SAAJ and JAX-RPC
- WSDK中的样本程序6和样本程序7显示了以这种方式从WSDL定义构建Web服务的过程。Sample 6 and Sample 7 in WSDK show the process of building Web services from WSDL definitions in this way.
- 如果说在过去两年中构建Web服务得到什么教训的话,那就是发出含义明确的网络错误消息。If I learned only one lesson while building Web services over the last two years, it is to issue meaningful messages for network errors.
- 在构建Web应用程序时,创建DAL是应首先执行的步骤之一,这应在开始创建表示层之前进行。When building a Web application, creating the DAL should be one of your first steps, occurring before you start creating your presentation layer.
- 基于Microsoft SQL Server 2000的全文搜索功能构建Web搜索应用程序Use Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Full-Text Search Deployment Build Web Search Application
- Web服务编程技巧和诀窍:使用JAX-RPC来传递SOAP附件Web services programming tips and tricks: SOAP attachments with JAX-RPC
- 这种方法的另一个作用是,您可以看到如何不通过硬编码服务的位置构建Web服务的客户机。As a side effect of this, you can see how to build a client to a Web service without hardcoding the location of that service.
- 基于Web服务Web -based services
- 类似地,为导出创建Web服务,从而生成新WSDL文件,并构建一个指向中介流组件的端点。Similarly, you create a Web services binding for the export, which results in a new WSDL file being generated, with an endpoint that points to the mediation flow component.
- 这意味着您可以使用这个生产性的和易于使用的Eclipse IDE编程环境来构建Web服务和Web服务客户端应用程序。This means that you can use the productive and easy-to-use programming environment of the Eclipse IDE to build Web services and Web services client applications.
- 基于web服务的搜索search on Web service
- 在Web服务中使用XML-RPC的第2部分Part 2 of Using XML-RPC for Web services
- 这是使用Web服务来构建管理应用程序并允许具有相同功能集的多个管理器管理资源的基础。It is the foundation of enabling management applications to be built using Web services and allows resources to be managed by many managers with one set of instrumentation.
- 基于Web服务的数据上传Up-loading Dada Based on Web Service
- JSR-109规范提供了一个方法来把JAX-RPC处理器信息参数化到Web服务客户端或服务本身的Web服务部署描述符中。The JSR-109 specification provides a means to parameterize JAX-RPC handlers in the Web service deployment descriptor for a Web service client or service.
- 这使得开发人员能够用利用Eclipse图形化开发环境同时结合WSDK的易用性和Eclipse工具的强大功能来构建Web服务和Requester应用程序。This enables developers to build Web services and Requester applications using the Eclipse graphical development environment, combining the ease of use of WSDK with the power of the Eclipse tools.
- 基于领域的Web服务查找方法Web Services Search Method Based on Domain