- 基于GUI的图文MIS设计Design of Graphic Management Information System Based on GUI
- 基于GUI的雷达脉冲序列分选仿真软件平台Simulation Software Platform for Sorting Radar Pulse Sequence Based on GUI
- 对于基于GUI的回归自动化测试,有很多带有欺骗性的、不切实际的想法。There is too much hype, mythology, and wishful thinking surrounding GUI-based regression automation.
- 设计design
- 使用Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2005可在基于GUI的程序中创建复杂而专业的报表。With Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2005, you can create complex and professional reports in a GUI-based program.
- 用FOXPRO设计图文MIS系统的方法A Method of Dsigning Pictography MIS System with FOXPRO
- 安全技术在MIS设计中的应用Security Technology Used for MIS Design
- 对于基于GUI的回归自动化测试,有很多带有欺骗性的、切实际的想法。There is too much hype, mythology, and wishful thinking surrounding GUI-based regression automation.
- 图文picture and text
- 程序设计programmer
- GUI的功能模型Function model of GUI
- 建筑设计architectural design
- 版面分割中游程平滑后的图文特征分类Classification of Connected Documents Gotten by Run-length Smearing in Document Segmentation
- 毕业设计diploma project
- 从ARPA到PARC:恩格巴特和GUI的发展史From ARPA to PARC: Douglas Engelbart and the historical development of GUI
- 逻辑分析仪中多路数据流的图文融合显示Display multiplex data stream with the combination of graphics and texts in a logic- analyzer
- 平面设计planar design
- 类还允许您对屏幕的局部进行快照,允许建立基于GUI视图实际物理布局的测试。Class also lets you take snapshots of subsections of the screen, allowing you to build tests based on the actual physical layout of a GUI view.
- 设计方案design proposal
- 单片集成块5246组成的图文电视接收系统The Teletext Receiving System Composed of a single chip IC 5246