- 基于CA的IPSec实现框架A Framework for Implementing IPSec Based on Certificate Authority (CA)
- 一种新的基于CA的安全电子邮件系统的研究与实现The Study and Realization of A New Syetem of Sercurity E-mail Based on CA
- 实现to achieve
- 基于CA模型的城市土地利用与交通的初探Urban land usage and traffic based on CA model
- 本文最后给出了一个基于开放源码的视觉处理库(OpenCV)的视频监控系统实现框架。Finally, a framework of video surveillance system has been developed by using the OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library).
- 基于工作组的IPsec安全策略系统研究与实现Study and implementation of workgroup-based IPsec security policy system
- PKI安全的关键:CA的私钥保护The Linchpin upon PKI Security: Protecting Private Key of CA
- 一种改进的ICMP差错报文处理的IPSec协议Study on an Improved IPSec Protocol Scheme for the Processing of ICMP Packets
- 基于CA逆向上溯形成新树结构的互操作模型研究Research of interoperable models based on mew tree structure formed by CA inverse tracing-back
- 实现框架framework of implementation
- 支持交叉认证的IPSec VPN应用程序接口设计。IPSec VPN API design supporting cross-certification.
- 基于CA的城市增长与土地增值动态模拟方法探讨A Study on Dynamic Simulation of Urban Growth and Land Value Increment Based on CA Model
- 自我实现self-realization
- 实验结果表明Al对Ca有很强的相互作用,使Ca的溶解度增加,而Fe却使Ca的溶解度下降。The interaction coefficients of Al and Fe on Cain Mn were evaluated with the experimental data.
- 实现目标achieve one's goals
- 对PKI技术及其在VPN中的应用进行了研究,本文提出并分析一种改进的IPSec-VPN网关的PKI应用模型。PKI technology and its application in VPN were studied,and the enhanced PKI application model in IPSec-VPN was put forward and analyzed.
- 完整实现框架integrated implementation framework
- 只有证书机构(CA)的公共密钥才能解密此签名,以证实持有此证书的网络实体已经通过了CA的鉴定。Only the CA's public key can decrypt the signature, verifying that the CA has authenticated the network entity that owns the Certificate.
- 它为任何支持TCP和UDP协议的应用程序提供双向的、实时的通信,包括端到端的IPSec、VPN、SSL等等。It provides bi-directional, real-time communication for any TCP and UDP applications, including the end-to-end IPSec, VPN, SSL, etc. Three advantages for our technique are as follows.
- 人生最重要的是树立一个远大的目标,并下定决心去实现它。--歌德The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it.-- Goethe