- 基于Agent的一对多谈判Agent-based One-to-many Negotiation
- 基于EPLD器件的一对多打印机控制器的研制Development of the One-to-more Printer Controller Based on EPLD
- 为LINQ to SQL应用程序中的一对多关系的单一实例方提供延迟加载和关系维护。Provides for deferred loading and relationship maintenance for the singleton side of a one-to-many relationship in a LINQ to SQL application.
- 一种基于Agent的主动式信息安全模型Active Information Security Model Based on Agent
- 但他们相信在下星期签署协议之后,经过更多谈判,能够做出这方面的计划。But they believe they will be able to create such a plan during more talks after the treaty is signed next week.
- 基于Agent的虚拟企业合作伙伴选择方法A Approach on Agent-based Partner Selection for Virtual Enterprise
- 为LINQ to SQL应用程序中的一对多关系和一对一关系的集合方提供延迟加载和关系维护。Provides for deferred loading and relationship maintenance for the collection side of one-to-many and one-to-one relationships in a LINQ to SQL applications.
- 基于Agent的网络漏洞扫描系统的设计与实现Design and Implementation of Agent-based Network Vulnerability Scanning System
- 基于Agent的G网agent-based G-net
- 警方抓获一对试图从地中海地区的某一地方进口大量海洛因的年轻夫妇。The police caught a young couple trying to import a huge quantity of heroin from somewhere in the Mediterranean.
- 基于agent的建模ABM
- 一对多关系中的两个相关表中的一方。The "one" side of two related tables in a one-to-many relationship.
- 基于Agent的仿真ABS (agent-based simulation)
- 拉手环舞一对或几对舞伴双手相牵在地板上转圈跳的乡村舞蹈A country-dance figure in which couples or a couple join hands and swing around the floor.
- 采用JAVA实现了基于Agent的主动式信息安全服务模型的原型系统。The prototyping system of the active information security service model based on Agent is realized by JAVA.
- 人行道上行走的一对年轻夫妇进入了她的视野。She saw a young family walking by on the sidewalk.
- 基于agent的计算金融agent -based computational finance
- 嵌套表表示事例实体与其相关属性之间的一对多关系。A nested table represents a one-to-many relationship between the entity of a case and its related attributes.
- 基于Agent的分布仿真agent-based distributed simulation
- 婚姻和睦的一对;她的行为与她的思想是一致的。a compatible married couple;her deeds were compatible with her ideology.