- 基于ASM的人脸定位研究Research on Face Alignment Using ASM
- 基于ASM的CT图像序列标记点定位方法研究Using ASM to Locate the Mark Points in CT Image Series
- 基于ASM的彩色视频中运动物体的定位Localization of moving object in color video based on ASM
- 在基于ASM的面部特征定位的研究中,本文对标准的ASM进行了改进。Improvements are made to the standard ASM for facial feature localization.
- 基于改进ASM的人脸特征点提取Face Feature Points Extraction Based on Refined ASM
- 人脸定位face location
- 基于几何特征的人脸定位算法的改进The improvement of algorithm in human face location baseded on geometry characteristic
- 遗传连锁分析法对一常染色体显性遗传性视网膜色素变性家系的基因定位研究Genetic linkage analysis of localizing an autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa gene in a family
- 基于ASM实现视频中物体的定位Localization of Object in Color Video Sequences Based on ASM
- 视频图像中的快速人脸定位方法A Fast Method of Face Location in Video Images
- 经臀骶髂关节穿刺术的体表定位研究Optimizing the body surface localization for the via-buttocks sacroiliac joint puncture
- 一种基于独立成分分析和最小最大概率机的人脸识别系统A Face Recognition System Based on Independent Component Analysis and Minimax Probability Machine
- 高度近视遗传学和基因定位研究进展Recent progress on genetics and genetic locus of high myopia
- 我国农作物QTL定位研究的现状和进展Research Advancements on Crop QTL Mapping in China
- 基于遗传算法的正面人脸定位GA-Based Front View Human Face Localization
- 大麦耐湿性的SSR标记与初步定位研究Genetic Mapping of Water-logging Tolerance in Barley by SSR Markers
- 家庭服务机器人的人脸检测、跟踪与识别研究Research on Face Detection, Tracking and Recognition of a Home Service Robot
- G-ASM:一种基于Gabor Wavelet和Active Shape Model的人脸特征点跟踪方法G-ASM: Facial Feature Tracking Based on Gabor Wavelet and Actvie Shape Model
- 液体灌装系统中桶口的视觉定位研究Visual Position Research of the Sprue on the Barrel in Liquid Filling System