- 在Word项目中访问对象Accessing Objects in a Word Project
- 介绍如何在Word项目中创建用户控件以及如何在与文档关联的操作窗格中显示控件。Describes how to create a user control in your Word project and display the control on an actions pane associated with your document.
- 如果没有地址列表,可以在Word中创建一个,然后打印标签。Or, if you don't have an address list, you can create one in Word and then print labels.
- 当连接中断后,您就不能再在Word文档中编辑该对象;它将变成Excel内容的图片。When the connection is broken, you can no longer edit the object in the Word document; it becomes a picture of the Excel content.
- HTTP模块作为ASP.NET请求管线的一部分调用,它们能够在整个请求过程中访问寿命周期事件。HTTP modules are called as part of the ASP.NET request pipeline and have access to life cycle events throughout the request.
- 在掷铁饼项目中,刘易斯最后一次投掷的成绩是67.52米。In the discus throw events,Lewes scored 67.52m at the final throw.
- 在Word 2002中更正显示不正确的文本Fix incorrectly displayed text in Word
- 你也可以将一些著名的纪念性建筑包括在参观的项目中。You can also take in some of the notable architectural monuments.
- 则在新的工作表中插入一个数据透视图,这与我们刚才在Word中看到的情况相似(见图12)。A PivotChart report is inserted into a new worksheet similar to the one we saw earlier in Word (see Figure 12).
- 巴西人在这一项目中战无不胜,他们自己上演了一场龙虎斗,囊括了金银牌。The Brazilians proved unbeatable,except by one another. They walked off with gold and silver.
- 在掷铁饼的项目中,刘易斯最后一次试掷的成绩是67.52米。In the discus events, Lewis scored 67.52m at the final throw.
- 要使用可在Word中勾选的框,需要向文档中插入复选框型窗体域。To use boxes that you can check off in Word, you insert the check box form field into your document.
- 源团队项目中可能有未完成的工作项,或创建用于在下一个版本中完成的工作项。There are likely to be unfinished work items in the source team project or work items that were created to be accomplished in the next version.
- 此功能在Word 2000中设计才并且是不同于MicrosoftWord的早期版本。This functionality is by design in Word 2000 and is different from earlier versions of Microsoft Word.
- 例如,您可以在Eclipse中创建Web项目,然后在这个项目中构建一个简单的Java Bean。For example, you can create a Web Project in Eclipse and then build a simple Java Bean in the Project.
- 使用语音识别:在Word 2002中创建新文档-Word-Microsoft Office OnlineUsing speech recognition: Creating a new document in Word - Word - Microsoft Office Online
- 若要从文档上的用户控件访问图表,则必须在项目中引用Microsoft Graph 11.0对象库。To access the chart from the user control on a document, you must have a reference to the Microsoft Graph 11.0 Object Library in your project.
- 密码保护在Word与Excel中的实施方式不同,并且可能会影响您的开发过程。Password protection is handled differently in Word and Excel, and can affect your development process.
- 在棒球、橄榄球、曲棍球等运动项目中保护脸部的面具。a protective covering for the face in such sports as baseball or football or hockey.
- 若要添加寄信人地址(如果还未在Word中配置),请单击信封上的寄信人地址区域。To add a return address if you haven't already configured one in Word, click in the return address area on the envelope.