- 在文本框中键入London。Type London in the text box.
- 在文本框中键入25并单击“设置自定义计数器的原始值”。Type 25 in the text box and click Set Raw Value of Custom Counter.
- 在文本框中键入URL并按Enter或单击“转到”按钮时,WebBrowser控件会定位至指定的URL。When you type a URL into the text box and press ENTER or click the Go button, the WebBrowser control navigates to the URL specified.
- 在“常规”部分,在“RSS源名称”文本框中键入新名称。In the General section, type a new name in the RSS Feed Name text box.
- 然后,无论用户在文本框中键入什么字符,都显示为星号。Then, regardless of what character a user types in the text box, an asterisk is displayed.
- 只需要一个实例,即可为用户提供在文本框中输入文本的软输入面板(SIP)。Only an instance is needed to provide the user with the soft input panel (SIP) for entering text into a text box.
- 若要编辑名称,请在文本框中键入。To edit the name, type in the text box.
- 最基本类型的表达式是在文本框中显示字段值的表达式。The most basic type of expression is one that displays a field value in a text box.
- 在“值”框中键入“第一行”。Type Line one in the Value box.
- 不要在文本框或表格中使用填充颜色(使用白色填充或不使用填充)。Do not use a fill color in text boxes or tables (use a white fill or no fill).
- 按Tab键,并在“密码”框中键入您的密码。Press the TAB key and type your password in the Password box.
- 在文本框中输入要在Excel Web Access中显示的工作簿的URL或UNC。Enter in the text box the URL or UNC of the workbook that you want to display in Excel Web Access.
- 在文本框内键入10000000并单击“Run A Loop”。Type 10000000 in the text box and click Run A Loop.
- 有关在文本框中调整文本的详细信息,请参阅打开和关闭自动组排文字。For more information about fitting text in text boxes, see Turn on and off automatic copyfitting.
- 若要保留相同的密码,请在“密码”框中键入该密码。To keep the same password, type it in the Password box.
- 例如,可以创建一个验证控件,该控件检查在文本框中输入的值是否为偶数。For example, you can create a validation control that checks whether the value entered into a text box is an even number.
- 要创建新组,请单击“新建组”并在框中键入一个名称。To create a new group, click New group and type a name in the box.
- 然后,在文本框的“控件来源”属性中插入以下表达式即可在该文本框中显示经过的时间。To place the elapsed time in the text box, insert the following expression in the Control Source property of the text box.
- 在窗体顶部的文本框中键入。In the text box at the top of the form.
- 在“字段名称”列中单击,然后为该字段键入唯一的名称。Click in the Field Name column and type a unique name for the field.