- 家庭安全周Home Safety Week.
- 周lap
- 国际产品责任法律冲突及成因探源A Probe into International Product Liability Law Conflict and Causes
- 第一届联合国世界道路安全周United Nations Global Road Safety Week
- 国际产品责任international product liability
- 有些测试是专为分析产品是否符合产品安全法例而作出的。Some tests were conducted specifically to check compliance with legislation on consumer product safety.
- 安全周[机] safety week
- 通行于企业产品结构分析的波士顿矩阵法经过适应性修改可应用于一个国家的国际产品结构分析。The Boston matrix method usually used for enterprise products structural analysis can be appropriately revised and applied for the analysis of international products structure of a country.
- 一周one week
- 国际产品责任法Liability Law of International Products
- 下周next week
- 中石化国际产品贸易公司Sinopec International Products Trading Co.
- 我们当然会驳斥任何针对我们产品安全性能的错误断言。We will certainly contest any wrong claims made against the safety of our products.
- 消防安全周fire safety week
- 周三Wednesday
- 设计和开发的输出应规定对产品安全和正常使用所必需的产品特性Design and development outputs shall specify the characteristics of the product that are essential for its safe and proper use.
- 产品安全product safety; product security
- 本周this week; the current week
- Idiom帮助环球机构以具有成本效益的方式来翻译全球网站和应用程序、简化软件本地化和交付程序,以及加速国际产品文档的面市时间。Idiom assists global organizations to cost-effectively translate global websites and applications, streamline software localization and delivery process and accelerate the time-to-market for international product documentation.
- 周一Monday