- 信息系统在国家安全与防卫中的应用Applications of Information Systems to Homeland Security and Defense
- 陈伯江:今天能有机会就国家安全与国际关系问题听取你的高见,我感到非常荣幸。MR. CHEN BOJIANG: I feel honored to have this opportunity to gain your insightful views on the issues of national security and international relations.
- 法law
- 投资investment
- 无法unable
- 国家安全与我国经济关系协调及社会综合治理National Security and Coordination of Economic Relations and Comprehensive Social Governance
- 略论中亚外国投资法的基本内容与特点A Brief Comment on the Key Contents and Characters of the Central Asian States'Foreign Investment Law
- 论国家安全与经济调整Discussions on National Security and Economic Adjustment
- 国际投资法的自由化趋势与我国外资法的重构Liberalization of the International Investment Law Reconstituting the Investment Law of China
- 亚太区域国家安全与建立信任;National Security and Confidence-building in the Asia-Pacific Region;
- 权益法与投资资本法的评估结果差异分析Variance Analysis of the Valuation Results from the Equity Method and Investment Capital Method
- 非洲国家外商投资法的基本特征Analysis of the Basic Characteristics of Foreign Investment Law in African Countries
- 数字安全与国内监督,或为何原本可信的计算机面目全非?Cybersecurity and Domestic Surveillance or Why Trusted Computing Shouldn't Be?
- 美国国家安全局National Security Agency (NSA)
- 区域粮食安全与耕地总量动态平衡测算研究--以陕西省为例Calculation of regional grain security and dynamic equilibrium of cultivated land quantity--A case study of Shaanxi Province
- 国家安全学National Security Studies
- 美国国家安全US National Security
- 安全与保护:本产品属于低毒物质,操作时应佩带眼镜、手套,穿好防护服。Safety and protection: This product is slightly poisonous. While working please wear glasses,glove and work clothe.
- 同时,国际投资法还须与国际法的基本原则相适应,特别是不能违背国家主权原则。Meanwhile, the international investment law also adapts to the basic principle of the international law, especially the principle of the state sovereignty.
- 国家安全思想ideology of national security