- 团体Z测验Group Z
- (排他的)社会团体caste
- 我们等着测验分数。We await our test scores.
- 宗教团体communion
- Z向Z direction
- 她上星期测验门门不及格。She tubed every test last week.
- 那位领导人很有天赋,能使团体中最持怀疑态度的人都充满热情。The leader had the gift of being able to infuse enthusiasm into the most skeptical member of the group.
- Z分法Z Score
- 老师将测验我们数学。The teacher will test us in maths.
- 慈善团体charity
- Z计数Z-Count
- 对学生进行了历史测验。The students were quizzed on history.
- Z-改形Z - plasty
- 他们向当地的慈善团体捐款。They subscribed to local charities.
- 下周我们有历史测验。We are to have a history test next week.
- Z-HL16CZ-HL16C
- 在劳资集体谈判制度下,工人作为一个团体同公司经理进行谈判。In a system of collective bargaining, the workers as a group negotiate with the managers of the company.
- 一种多项选择题的测验a multiple choice test
- Z衬度像Z-contrast imaging
- 老师给我们测验英文。The teacher gave us a quiz in English.