- 因子XIII缺乏症factor XIII deficiency
- 遗传性凝血因子XIII缺陷症分子机制的研究Molecular mechanisms of two novel mutations of factor XIII gene resulting in hereditary coagulation deficiency
- 汉族人群凝血因子XIII Val34Leu多态性与动脉血栓性疾病的关系Association between polymorphism of coagulation factor XIII Val34Leu and ischemi c arterial thrombotic diseases in Han population
- 症obstruction of bowels
- 凝血因子Ⅶ缺乏症coagulation factor Ⅶ dificiacy
- G-CSF治疗白血病化疗不同阶段发生的粒细胞缺乏症疗效观察The observation of the effect of G-CSF on agranulocytosis in different chemotheraphy of acute leukemia
- 铁缺乏症早期early iron-deficiency anemia
- G-6-PD缺乏症G-6-PD deficiency
- 五种微量元素缺乏症防治制剂对肉仔鸡血液甲状腺素水平的影响Effect of the pharmaceutical preparations to prevent and cure trace elements deficiency symptom upon levels of thyroid hormones in blood of chickens
- 四氢生物喋呤缺乏症治疗前后神经系统表现及其脑白质病变分析Clinical manifestations and cerebral white matter changes in children with tetrahydrobiopterin deficiency before and after treatment
- 因子VII缺乏症factor VII deficiency
- 20-裂解酶缺乏症20-lyase deficiency
- 此外,儿童碘缺乏症造成身体和认知发育障碍以及甲状腺机能减退。In addition, iodine deficiency in children is responsible for disorders in physical and cognitive development, and hypothyroidism.
- 先天性因子Ⅹ缺乏症congenital factor Ⅹ deficiency
- 蛋白质缺乏症[营养不良protein malnutrition | kwashiorkor
- 先天性因子Ⅻ缺乏症Hageman factor deficiency
- 尿苷酸合酶缺乏症deficiency of uridine monophophate synthase
- 遗传性因子Ⅴ缺乏症hereditary deficiency of factor Ⅴ
- 遗传性因子Ⅶ缺乏症hereditary deficiency of factor Ⅶ; hereditary factor Ⅶ deficiency
- 四氢生物喋呤缺乏症Tetrahydrob/opterin deficiency