- 回归分析中D.W检验探讨Research in the DW test during the regression analysis
- 多元线形回归分析中的隐私保护问题Privacy Protection in the Multivariate Linear Regression Problem
- 内河钢质货驳改建检验探讨Exploration of Inspecting the Rebuildin River's Steel Cargo Barge
- 交通事故回归分析中对样本缺损的技术处理The treatment technology of the flawed sample in returning analytic approach of the traffic accident
- 目的:探讨血浆中D-二聚体(D-Dimer,D-D)定量检测在弥漫性血管内凝血(DIC)中的临床意义。Objective To study the plasma levers of D-dimer in patients with Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) and its clinical significance.
- 在回归分析中,估计公式只能有一个相关变量。In regression, we can have only one dependent variable in our estimating equation.
- 分光光度法测定微生物发酵液中D-核糖浓度及其机理A Method for the Determination of D-Ribose Concentration in Microbial Fermented Broth by Spectrophotometry
- 回归分析中的目标函数极小化准则Research on the Objective Function Minimization Standards in the Regression Analysis
- Q型系统聚类分析中的统计检验问题Discussion on Statistical Test System of Q-mode Hierarchical Cluster Analysis
- 金相分析中铜导线的腐蚀剂探讨The summary of corrosive agents in metallographic analysis of copper wire
- 频率漂移回归分析及线性相关检验Regression Analysis of Frequency Drift and Test of Linear Correlation
- 农化分析中数据处理出错原因探讨Discuss on the Cause of Failure Data Processing in Agricultural Chemical Analysis
- 多次回归分析multiple regression analysis
- 实Clifford分析中含两个奇点的拟Bochner-Martinelli型高阶奇异积分Quasi-Bochner-Martinelli-Type High Order Singular Integral with Two Singular Points in Real Clifford Analysis
- 正态回归分析normal regression analysis
- 在水分析中区别表现色度和真实色度是重要的。In water analysis it is important to differentiate between apparent and true color.
- 回归分析程序regression analysis program
- 在分析中用作钯或镍的沉淀剂的化合物a compound used in analysis as a precipitant for palladium or nickel
- 反演回归分析back regression analysis
- XRF法在密闭鼓风炉粗锌分析中的应用Determination of Pb, Zn, Fe and Cd in the Crude Zinc Produced from the Imperial Smelting Furnace by XRF