- 喂CaSi-加RE处理Feeding CaSi Wire - Adding RE Treatment
- 钢包喂CaSi线对钢中夹杂物变性的影响Influence of CaSi Wire Feeding in Ladle Upon Inclusion Modification in Steel
- 本文综述了鞍钢连铸硬线钢应用钢包喂CaSi芯线处理的工艺参数和冶金效果,表明钢包喂合金芯线处理可有效改变钢中非金属夹杂的形态,提高连铸小方坯质量,扩大产品品种。In this paper, we introduced the technologic parameters of feeding CaSi cored wire to ladle and its refining effect on the high carbon liquid steel for continuous casting at Anshan Iron and Steel Co. The experimental results show that the treatment of feeding cored alloy wire would effectively make the nonmetallic inclusions in liquid steel convert its formation, the quality of continuous casting billets improved and the mixture of the products expanded.
- 直接染料染棉再经特种助剂RE处理以代替活性染料染色Using RE as Fixing Agent After Coloring Cotton Textiles by Direct Dyes to Take Place of Reactive Dyes Coloring
- 再加besides
- 数据处理data processing
- 伏特加vodka
- 未处理的unsettled
- 加到[医] add; adde
- 表面处理superficial treatment
- 加点add some points
- 后处理post treatment
- 不加not
- 喂了家禽没有?Have the poultry been fed?
- 为满足航空发动机叶片材料1Cr11Ni2W2MoV钢在更加苛刻的使用温度下工作的要求,本试验对其表面进行了热浸镀Al-6%Si-4%RE处理。For improving application temperature of heat resistant martensitic steel 1Cr11Ni2W2MoV as aerial engine blade materials,its surface was hot-dipped Al-6%25Si-4%25RE.
- 加减乘除addition subtraction multiplication and division
- 图像处理image processing
- 中加Sino-Canada
- 处理方法processing method
- 滴加dropwise add