- 哲洙向老师请安.Zhezhu paid respect to the teacher.
- 向towards
- 她向老师耍了花招。She has pulled a stunt with her teacher.
- 向上zenithward
- 班极里的学生故意向老师问了许多不着边际的问题,使老师大为恼火。The class got the teacher's monkey up by deliberately asking a lot of irrelevant questions.
- 向前onward
- 向下down
- 内向diffidence
- 外向extroversion
- 学生相互向老师讲了我的坏话。The pupils sneaked on each other to the teacher.
- 你怎样才能向老师证明你的行为是对的呢?How can you vindicate your behavior to the teacher?
- 她向老师求教。She turned to her teacher for advice.
- 孩子向老师谎报迟到的原因。The child lied to the teacher about his reasons for being late.
- 孩子们向老师招手。The children waved to their teacher.
- 她向老师告发这个男孩子发出声响。She reported the boy to the teacher for making a noise.
- 他们一致同意不向老师告对方的状。They had an agreement no to sneak on each other to the teacher.
- 他们举杯向老师敬酒。They toasted their teacher.
- 他们向老师献花。They presented flowers to their teachers.
- 鲍勃向老师撒这个谎时,暗中将两指交叉以求心安。Bob crossed his fingers when he told his teacher the lie.
- 孩子们不断向老师提问题。The children plied the teacher with questions.