- 哈瑙H型面弓Hanau H face-bow
- 哈瑙H型牙合架Hanau model harticulator
- 哈瑙C型面弓Hanau C face-bow
- 面弓前牵引Anterior facemask traction
- 面side
- H型截面H-section
- 剥离型面膜peel off pack
- 2K-H型2K - H
- 分型面flask joint
- 颈前路微气钻扩大减压H型骨块榫状植骨治疗脊髓型颈椎病Treatment of myelonic cervical spondylopathy by anterior wide decompression with pneumatic drill and H-shaped tenon bone graft
- H型卷帘下轨Steel H-Bottom Rail for rolling
- 背弧型面convex profile
- 双h型岭估计double-h class ridge estimator
- 摆动式型面砂光机oscillation profile sander
- 建筑用H型耐火钢fire-resistant H-beam steel
- 月型面酥croissant
- 2K-H型差动轮系2K-H differential gear trains
- 边部及型面砂光机edge and profile sander
- 2K-H型周转轮系2K-H epicyclic gear trains
- 风型面parting