- 品红NJfuchsine NJ
- 品红fuchsine
- Nj次方x压缩Nj - th power X - squeezing
- Nj次方H压缩Nj-th power H-squeezing
- Nj-Y最小测不准态Nj -Y minimum uncertainty state
- 品红Pmagenta P
- 不等幂Nj次方差压缩Unequal-power Nj-power difference-squeezing
- 副品红无色母体leucobase of pararosaniline
- NJ重介质离心力选煤的理论与实践Theory and practice of NJ dense medium
- 品红SRubin S
- 不等幂次Nj次方H压缩unequal-order Nj-th power H-squeezing
- 品红碱rosaniline
- 品红成色剂magenta coupler
- 新型降滤失剂NJ-1的研究与应用A novel filtration reducing agent NJ-1 for drilling fluid.
- 品红酮fuchsone
- NJ_2型机车的辅助交流传动系统Auxiliary AC drive system for NJ_2 locomotive
- 副品红pararosaniline chloride
- 猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒NJ-a株PRRSV NJ-a strain
- 酚品红[化] carbol fuchsin
- 猪细小病毒NJ-1株VP2基因克隆与抗原性分析Molecular Cloning and Antigenicity Analysis of the VP2 Gene of PPV