- 你为什么能光吃不胖呢?How can you eat all the time but never get fat?
- 吃eat
- 他并不胖,铁铸一般的肌肉棱角分明。There was no fat on him, and his muscles stood out as though they were of iron.
- 即使她并不胖,她仍老想着减肥的事。She's obsessed with her weight, even though she's not fat.
- 胖plump
- 卧推主要作用在胸大肌群,不过也会使三头跟前三角肌吃不少力。The Bench Press targets the pectoral (chest) muscles but also makes heavy demands on the triceps and front delts.
- 保罗吃得多极了,但就是长不胖。Paul ate like nobody's business but never put on any weight.
- 瞎说!你并不胖!Rubbish! You're not fat!
- 她优雅而娇弱吃不了苦;优雅的人优雅的品位。she was delicate and refined and unused to hardship; refined people with refined taste.
- 如果你吃不准曝光时间,最好查一下曝光表。You'd better consult the exposure meter if you're not sure of the time for exposure.
- 肥而不胖,瘦而不瘪round without being plump, slender without being bony
- 不要在饭前吃糖果,以免吃不下饭。Do not spoil your appetite by eating sweets just before supper .
- 布朗太太一点也不胖。Mrs Brown was not a little fat.
- 她不高也不矮, 不胖也不瘦.She's average height, medium build.
- 大家都吃不准他最终将什么时候来。When he'll finally turn up is anybody's guess!
- 她不高也不矮,不胖也不瘦.She's average height, medium build.
- 因为喂食一样,常马吃饱了有力气拉车,千里食量大吃不饱拉不动车。As feeding, often feed the horse pull carts have strength, Trinidad appetite big enough to do cars.
- 巫婆很奇怪为什么他一直长不胖。The witch wondered why she grew no fatter day by day.
- “莫利你不胖,你结实而可爱。”You're not fat Molly, you're solid and cuddly.