- 感冒时你什么味也吃不出来。You can taste nothing when you have a cold.
- 吃eat
- 而艾尼达却连句亲切的话也说不出来。And Enid could not say one tender word.
- 卧推主要作用在胸大肌群,不过也会使三头跟前三角肌吃不少力。The Bench Press targets the pectoral (chest) muscles but also makes heavy demands on the triceps and front delts.
- 她优雅而娇弱吃不了苦;优雅的人优雅的品位。she was delicate and refined and unused to hardship; refined people with refined taste.
- 他吩咐日头不出来,就不出来,又封闭众星。He speaks to the sun and it does not shine; he seals off the light of the stars.
- 如果你吃不准曝光时间,最好查一下曝光表。You'd better consult the exposure meter if you're not sure of the time for exposure.
- 笑不出来的时候,自己拍个照留念,记在心上。Really couldn't laugh at this, so I took a photo for keepsakes and as a reminder.
- 不要在饭前吃糖果,以免吃不下饭。Do not spoil your appetite by eating sweets just before supper .
- 大家都吃不准他最终将什么时候来。When he'll finally turn up is anybody's guess!
- 因为喂食一样,常马吃饱了有力气拉车,千里食量大吃不饱拉不动车。As feeding, often feed the horse pull carts have strength, Trinidad appetite big enough to do cars.
- 他一辈子都吃不厌的食物就是烧排骨。His favorite pig out food is barbecued spareribs.
- 他喜欢吃甜食,对糕点从来就吃不够。We can never get enough cake to satisfy his sweet tooth.
- 有时候他们是那样专心致志,甚至不吃不休息。They sometimes were so absorbed that they skipped meals and rest.
- 我吃不准你什么时候可以打电话找到他。I am not sure what time you can reach him.
- 罗亚尔盯着他,吃不准是笑,还是发脾气。加布里埃尔的语气缓和了一些。Royal stared at him, uncertain whether to laugh or to take offence and Gabriel said, more gently.
- 不打碎果壳,就吃不到果仁;不劳则无获。He who would eat the nut must first crack the shell.
- 探险人常常吃不到肉,衣服也很缺乏。The expeditions were often out of meat, and scant of clothes.
- 活着就是为了吃不是好的生活态度。To live to eat is not a very goad attitude toward life.
- [谚]狐狸吃不到葡萄,就说葡萄酸。"The grapes are sour", as the fox said when he could not reach them.