- 台湾IC产业IC industry
- IC产业IC industry
- 价值模块的虚拟再整合:以IC产业为例Virtual Re-integration of Value Modulization: A Case Study of IC Industry
- 台湾Taiwan
- 从IC产业发展看知识经济与知识产业Based on IC development knowledge how will go the economy and knowledge industry
- 台湾人Taiwanese
- 台湾海峡Taiwan Strait
- 非光学下一代光刻技术的缓慢进展和国际半导体技术发展规划 (ITRS)的加速 ,使光学光刻肩负着IC产业的重任 ,进一步向亚波长图形领域进军。As non-optical Next Generation Lithography(NGL)slowly progressing and International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors(ITRS)in acceleration,optical lithography undertaking an important task for IC industry,and further marching into sub-wavelength pattern realm.
- 台湾问题Taiwan Issue
- IC卡IC-card
- 台湾人的Taiwanese
- 对于她产业的合法继承权将有一场争论。There will be a dispute about the rightful succession to her estate.
- 台湾话Taiwanese Chinese (language)
- 他已扩充他的产业。He has aggrandized his estate.
- 日本占领台湾达五十一年之久。The Japanese occupation of Taiwan lasted fifty-one years.
- 无继承人的产业a vacant estate
- 比起台湾的气候来,我更喜欢新加坡的。I prefer the climate of Singapore to that of Taiwan.
- 模拟ICanalog IC
- 这一产业当时仍处于发展初期。The industry was still in its infancy.