- 反模糊H-理想anti-fuzzy H-ideal
- 模糊H-理想fuzzy H-ideal
- 反模糊理想anti-fuzzy ideal
- 反模糊域anti-fuzzy fields
- 模糊vague
- 反模糊群anti-fuzzy groups
- 反恐anti-terrorism
- 模糊的hazy
- 反模糊数anti-fuzzy number
- 他的理想迟早会实现。His dream will come true sooner or later.
- 辗转反侧toss and turn restlessly (in bed)
- 他是一个有崇高理想的人。He is a man of lofty ideals.
- 模糊地faintly
- 理想是指路明灯。Ideal is the beacon.
- 反病毒anti-virus
- 适宜野营的理想环境an ideal setting for camping
- 模糊性fuzzification
- 农民们造贪官污吏的反。The peasants rose in rebellion against the corrupt officials.
- 她们决心把自己的理想变成行动。They are determined to act out their ideal.
- 模糊化obfuscation