- 双Scott连续映射biscott continuous map
- Scott连续映射Scott Continuous Mapping
- 对偶Scott连续映射dual scott continuous map
- 双Scott拓扑The biscott topology
- 并从范畴学的角度考察证明了以相容双有限domain为对象,Scott连续映射为态射的范畴CBF是笛卡儿闭范畴.Then it inspects and proves that the category CBF of consistently bifinite domains with Scott-continuous function is Cartesian closed in terms of category theory.
- Scott连续Scott continuous
- Scott连续自映射Scott continuous
- 半双工semiduplex
- 双拼Two bors d's oeuveres
- 双元音diphthong
- 半连续映射semicontionous mapping
- 母亲给她买了一双网球鞋。Mother bought her a pair of tennis shoes.
- 她已连续四年获得一等奖。She has been awarded first prize four years in succession.
- 比翼双飞fly wing to wing
- 他连续三次上学迟到。He was late for school three times in succession.
- 凹映射concave mapping
- 她一双眼睛闪烁着喜悦的光芒。Her eyes twinkled with delight.
- 她连续患伤风。She had a succession of colds.
- 她丢掉了一双长统袜。She has lost a pair of stockings.
- 该队连续三次获胜。The team notched up their third victory in a row.