- 双CPU冗余double CPU for redundant
- 基于DSP的双CPU冗余静止同步补偿器控制系统的设计及其动模试验The Design of a STATCOM Controlling System with Redundant CPU Using Two DSP and Its Dynamic Experiment
- 基于PMAC的并行双CPU开放式数控系统PMAC-Based Open CNC System with Dual CPUs in Parallel
- 基于双CPU的便携式高压电潜泵诊断仪的研制Development of Portable and High Voltage Electric Submersible Pump Based on Double CPU
- 成双atwain
- 双解bilingual
- 采用双CPU的混合式步进电动机速度控制系统Speed control system of hybrid stepping motor with dual CPU
- CPU冗余CPU redundancy
- 半双工semiduplex
- 双拼Two bors d's oeuveres
- 双元音diphthong
- 全双工FDX
- 双冠double comb (禽)
- 母亲给她买了一双网球鞋。Mother bought her a pair of tennis shoes.
- 比翼双飞fly wing to wing
- 双刃twolip
- 一种基于双CPU的无线通讯数据采集系统设计The Design of a Radio-communication Data Acquisition System Based on Dual CPU
- 双模冗余duplication redundancy
- 双冗余Dual-redundancy
- 双CPUdouble CPU