- 他可以把双腿并拢。The receiver will keep their legs closer together.
- 并腿跳:一般跳跃,双腿在空中并拢。Assemble: A common jump where the legs are brought together in the air.
- 双pair
- (衣着的)脚部衣物的一部分,尤指裤子覆盖双腿的那一部分The part of a garment, especially of a pair of trousers, that covers the leg.
- 双腿both legs
- 我双腿颤抖着走进会见室——“机会难得呀!”我心里想。I went into the interview room with my knees shaking- "Now for it!" I thought.
- 尽管医生竭尽全力治疗,但她的双腿仍然无法恢复功能。The doctors did what they could, but she lost the sue of both legs.
- 这个孩子有健壮的双腿。The child had sturdy legs.
- 事故使他双腿瘫痪。The accident left him with paralysis of the legs.
- 他用双腿围住凳子。He wreathed his legs about the stool.
- 他在事故中双腿丧失了功能。He lost the use of both legs in the accident.
- 双腿的bicrural
- 用毯子裹住双腿to gather a blanket about one's legs
- 他在车祸中伤了双腿。He racked up his legs in the car accident.
- 第七式吸气,接着身体向前,腹部贴地,头向上抬起,胸部也慢慢态起,眼睛向上看,手肘伸直,双腿要并拢,脚背贴地,全身放松。7 Inhale and slowly raise the head and bend backward as much as possible, bending the spine to the maximum.
- 空中交叉跳跃一种芭蕾舞动作,舞者在空中多次前后交叉双腿A jump in ballet during which the dancer crosses the legs a number of times, alternately back and forth.
- 把绳子从伤员的双腿下面牵过去。Pass the end of the rope under the wounded man's legs.
- 双腿做剪式运动to snip one's legs
- 把双腿蜷曲到胸前to tuck the legs to the chest
- 截瘫,下身麻痹通常由于脊髓受伤引起的包括双腿在内的下部身体完全的瘫痪Complete paralysis of the lower half of the body including both legs, usually caused by damage to the spinal cord.