- 双端口静态RAMdual-port static RAM
- 多端口静态存储器multi-port SRAM
- 一种静态RAM双帧存结构的图形系统及应用Application of Graphics Display System Based on Double SRAM
- 双端口RAM在多处理器系统的应用研究Application Study on Dual Port RAMs in a Multi Processor System
- 静态ram芯片static RAM chip
- 线性双端口网络的参数表征法及其意义Parameter Characterization Method and Its Significance of Linearity Twin Port Network
- 4k静态RAM中多晶硅电阻值的控制The Control of polycrystalline Load Resistance in Static 4K RAM
- 高速通讯双端口存储器DPM结构和程序设计The High-speed Communication DPM Memory and Programming
- 全CMOS 4k静态RAM的版图设计与试制The Layout and Manufacture of Fully CMOS 4k SRAM HKE5114
- 成双atwain
- 双解bilingual
- 串行端口serial port
- 半双工semiduplex
- 双拼Two bors d's oeuveres
- 请不要把SDRAM与SRAM(静态RAM)相混淆,SRAM是速度极快且非常贵的存储器,用于处理器的缓冲存储器。SDRAM should not be confused with SRAM,or static RAM,which is extremely fast and expensive memory used for processor cache memory.
- 双元音diphthong
- 全双工FDX
- 双冠double comb (禽)
- (请不要把SDRAM与SRAM(静态RAM)相混淆,SRAM是速度极快且非常贵的存储器,用于处理器的缓冲存储器。)(SDRAM should not be confused with SRAM, or static RAM, which is extremely fast and expensive memory used for processor cache memory.)
- 母亲给她买了一双网球鞋。Mother bought her a pair of tennis shoes.