- 双晶体X射线测角仪double crystal X-ray goniometer
- 晶体X射线测角仪crystal X-ray goniometer
- 双晶体X射线光谱计double crystal X-ray spectrometer
- X射线测角仪X-ray goniometer
- 基于光栅衍射的晶体X射线衍射缺级的理论基础和实验研究Theoretical Analysis of the Spectral Line Missing Stage in Crystal X-Ray Diffraction Based on the Diffraction of Grating
- Cu双晶体copper bicrystal
- x 射线测角仪x ray goniometer
- 晶体X射线衍射学基础Elements of X-ray Diffraction for Crystal
- 数显方位测角仪误差消除与系统实现Error Elimation and Implemention of Digital Readout Azimuth Measurement Instrumentation
- 晶体X射线衍射线形状的理论推导Theoretical derivation of the shape of X-ray diffraction line
- 双腿全旋double leg circles
- 她发红的双颊her glowing cheeks
- 测角仪<器goniometer
- 双杆摆机构中混沌现象的数值分析Numerical Analysis for Chaotic Phenomena of a Double-pendulum
- 浅层剖面仪Sub-bottom profiler
- X射线测角器X-ray goniometer
- 在线双毛细管-氢化物火焰原子吸收光谱法测定砷、锑、铋、汞、硒和锡Determinaiton of As, Sb, Bi, Hg, Se and Sn by on-Line Double Capillary-Atomic Absorption Spectrometry with Hydride Generation
- 大的、硬的、清澈的晶体糖,串在一条线上。sugar in large hard clear crystals on a string.
- 双侧向测井仪器响应的数值分析Numerical Analysis On Dual-Lateral Log Response
- 结果 PCR扩出5 5 0bp特异性片段 ,经克隆至pUC18后测序表明序列同源性与GenBank报道完全一致 ,并克隆鉴定了真核表达载体pcDNA3.1hIL 10。Eukaryotic expression vector pcDNA3.1hIL 10 was constructed with ligation. Results A 550bp DNA fragment was amplified with RT PCR. pUC18hIL 10 and pcDNA3.1hIL 10 were constructed and sequence analysis revealed 100%25 homology to published data in GenBank.