- 双扭Hopf代数bitwisted Hopf algebra
- 在文献[2]、[3]、[4]和[5]中,作者分别研究了扭Hopf代数和双扭Hopf代数的结构和反极元的性质等. 本文主要研究双扭Hopf代数的对偶空间,以及两个双扭Hopf代数的对偶关系.Then in [2], [3], [4] and [5], the authors have discussed the structures of twisted Hopf algebras and bitwisted Hopf algebras and studied some properties of their antipodes, and so on.
- 双扭双代数bitwisted bialgebra
- 扭to turn
- (A,SA)和(H,SH)都是数域k上的弱Hopf代数,并且A是右H-余模代数。In this paper,(A,SA) and(H,SH) both are weak Hopf algebras on a field k. A is also an H-module algebra.
- 双扭丝twisted wire
- 扭矩torquemoment
- 拟三角Hopf代数上的辫子Doi-Hopf模的广义积分和Maschke型定理(英文)A Generalized Integrals and Maschke Type Theorem for Braided Doi-Hopf Modules over Quasitriangular Hopf Algebras
- 双扭线twisted pair (wiring)
- 半双工semiduplex
- 最后给出的一些结果体现了弱对极在弱 Hopf代数上的模 /余模结构中的作用 .Last, the role of weak antipodes in the structures of modules/ comodules over a weak Hopf algebra is presented.
- 双拼Two bors d's oeuveres
- 扭簧torsional spring
- 双元音diphthong
- 你的代数题做不下去了吧?Are you stuck over your algebra?
- 母亲给她买了一双网球鞋。Mother bought her a pair of tennis shoes.
- 扭矩扳手torque spanner
- 比翼双飞fly wing to wing
- 他使劲扭门把手。He wrenched at the door-handle.
- 她一双眼睛闪烁着喜悦的光芒。Her eyes twinkled with delight.